Tuesday, August 9, 2022

2 Attributes of the Art & Skill of Leadership

Leadership has both an art and a skill to it. Everyone can learn the skills but the art of leadership takes time, finesse, and practice.

We are going to take a look at some of the key characteristics of a leader that has both art and skill. Today, we’ll look at two characteristics: confidence and vision.

True leaders are confident and know they can think – and act – outside the box to take their companies to the next level. They know that leadership qualities like openness, emotional agility, and resourcefulness are often more important than being able to make a sale or wow a group of investors.

How does one display the confidence necessary to be a good leader? More than half of human communication comes from nonverbal cues. Know how to set the right tone as a leader by letting your confidence show. Confident leaders win over and inspire others because everyone else wants to embody confidence, too. Practice strong nonverbal communication by standing tall, making eye contact, and learning to control your fidgeting. When you appear confident – even if you don’t feel confident – others will be more likely to follow your lead and believe in your authority.

Think of some of the world’s greatest leaders: Martin Luther King, Jr. and Nelson Mandela. Mother Teresa. Each of them had very different leadership attributes, but they all had one thing in common: a powerful vision not only for their own lives but for the world. They had an unstoppable belief in themselves and in their dreams.

This type of vision can only come from having a purpose that is so crystal-clear, that others see it too. A purpose that gives your life meaning and leaves you feeling fulfilled. One that is so strong you inspire others to join you. Having a clear purpose allows you to not only achieve your goals but to foster leadership among your staff as well.



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