Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Helping Others Succeed

 Leaders are not leaders without a group of people following them.

This seems like a bold thing to say but the truth is a leader can not rise to their maximum potential unless they have helped others along the way. 

The most successful leaders are not just helping others by simply doing good deeds, they are actually helping others win too. 

Let’s take a look at this. 

Think of the person you consider to have the most leadership influence in your life. Then ask, have they just done good deeds or are they helping others develop and grow along the way. 

I can think of a woman I know. She doesn’t hold a famous leadership position or have global recognition but in her world, she is always helping others grow. In her case, she is helping other women to believe in themselves, have the courage to live the life they want and donating time, money, energy and resources to carry out her purpose in life. This is leadership. 

You might know of leaders who do the opposite. Leadership is all about them. They love the fame and fortune of it. They take credit for the good done when there is a whole team of people to credit for their advances in society. In my experience, those types of leaders will do anything it takes to look good.

This is one thing I am sure of when it comes to leadership. There is a still silent moment in every leader's life where they can evaluate their actions, words and deeds to see if it was for them or if it truly made a difference in the world. I strongly believe the leaders who can say they did lead with the right intention, action and heart will be long lasting leaders and have the greatest impact on our world. 

Never forget those you serve alongside, that support you and are following in your influence. 

Good leaders are needed more than ever before. Even in tough times, leaders with the right heart are what your followers need and want.



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