In talking to some of the business leaders in my life, we have concluded that investing time is an important part of leadership.
There are meetings to attend, community events, leadership training, conferences, and events. But, it was taking the time to invest in yourself that most people don’t do. Invest in time to rest.
Life is busy and taking time to rest is not always at the top of our priorities. I think of myself as a highly productive person but I understand that there must be clear boundaries for work, family, community, and self. If I don’t take care of myself through rest, I will not be able to keep up my productive life.
Resting is an investment in yourself. It allows you to recalibrate, refocus and rejuvenate.
Resting doesn’t mean you need to take two weeks off and fly to some tropical island though I think we all can agree that sounds amazing too.
Let’s take some examples from other areas of our life that support the investment of rest.
When you work out, your body needs recovery time. Just like the muscles in your body recover and get stronger through rest, your leadership muscles do the same.
Taking time away from the hustle and bustle of a busy life also allows you to see the things you are passionate about. Much like the gym, it is a moment where your mind and body can reflect. The heart and soul of a person rekindle too. People tend to go to the things they love when it is their time!
Taking a moment to reflect is generally best done when you step away from a situation or environment. Reflection allows you to see things from a different angle, have a new perspective, or get a flow of new ideas to move forward.
As a leader, we need to rest so we can build our leadership muscles, reflect, and follow our passion. When you do this on a routine basis, you will not burn out and your leaders and team will know they must carry the torch in your absence.
Resting is one of the most important investments you can make.
Manal This article was first published in Locala Magazine