Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Who Is On Your List?


Happy New Year! Are you ready for a remarkable year? 

Over the holiday, I spent a little bit of time and did some internet research about leadership and who was trending in this time and season in our lives. 

I have compiled a list of  "most popular management gurus," "best leadership books," "top management blogs," "top leadership experts," etc. from the English language. These are based on Goodreads ratings, twitter followers, blog popularity, and google search rankings. With that said we know there are other leaders out there who are changing the world for good.

If you see people in the list below you don't recognize or aren't following, check them out. You can simply click on their name and it will take you to their website. 

We're all a product of our influences, so it only makes sense to improve both the quantity and the quality of the people we listen to. I would recommend you continue to check back for our articles as well as create a personal development plan from your favorites from this list too.

  1. John C. Maxwell

  2. Seth Godin

  3. Jack Welch

  4. Guy Kawasaki

  5. Tim Ferriss

  6. Daniel Goleman

  7. Dale Carnegie

  8. Kenneth H. Blanchard

  9. Chris Hallberg

  10. Michael E. Porter

  11. Marshall Goldsmith

  12. Tom Peters

  13. Stephen R. Covey

  14. Robin Sharma

  15. Simon Sinek

  16. Patrick Lencioni

  17. Rosabeth Moss Kanter

  18. Tony Hsieh

  19. Thomas L. Friedman

  20. Orrin Woodward

  21. Steve Farber

  22. Don Tapscott

  23. Clayton M. Christensen

  24. David Allen

  25. Brian Tracy

  26. Bob Sutton

  27. Michael Hyatt

  28. John P. Kotter

  29. Peter F. Drucker

  30. Eric Ries

  31. Anthony Robbins

  32. Gary Hamel

  33. Mike Myatt

  34. Jason Fried

  35. Charles Duhigg

  36. Daniel H. Pink

  37. Dan Rockwell

  38. Marcus Buckingham

  39. Chris Brady

  40. Jurgen Appelo

  41. Robert B. Cialdini

  42. John Baldoni

  43. Jeffrey Gitomer

  44. Gretchen Rubin

  45. Malcolm Gladwell

  46. Susan Cain

  47. Dan Ariely

  48. Jim Collins

  49. Liz Strauss

  50. Chris Brogan

The goal of learning about others and their leadership style is so that you can become the best version of yourself now. Let’s have an amazing year.



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